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More Podcasts to Listen To

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Black Language Podcast

Chenelle's Language Learning Journey

#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

Coffee Break Languages

#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

Con Parole Nostre


#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

Geopats language

I Will Teach You a Language

#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

Igbo Podcast


#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)


#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

Language Bae Explains it All

#1 Language learning tip: One of my favorite quotes is by the great Confucius, “Better to be a diamond with a flaw, than a pebble without.” Do not be overly concerned with perfection in your ability to communicate in your target language, that you find yourself unable to communicate at all. It is better to be able to write and speak fluently with occasional mistakes, than to have no fluency, but be able to pronounce individual words perfectly.

Language Stories

#1 Language Learning Tip: Make language learning a regular habit and tie it to something else in your life. Learning a language doesn't have to mean sitting down for hours each day with your study books. If all you can fit in every single day is 5 minutes on Memrise while you're waiting for the kettle to boil or watching a YouTube video in your target language while you're brushing your teeth, that's fine! Once you've accepted that that still counts and that if that's all you're doing then your progress will be slower but still happening, then you're golden. Oh, and if you can find something you love to connect you that will do wonders for your motivation too!

Learn Spanish Con Salsa

My Polyglot Life - En Francais

#1 Language learning tip: "Explore the full potential of your brain to learn like an adult. Identify your ideal learning state then work with a step-by-step, goal-oriented approach. Aim for small actions that will have a great impact on your life."

Speaking Tongues Podcast

#1 Language learning tip: (Add yours here, contact us)

The Black Language Podcast

#1 Language learning tip: (Contact us to add yours here.)

The Future is Bilingual

The Language Learning Show

#1 Language learning tip: Be consistent.

You Don't Say?!

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